Rise for climate Belgium is a non-partisan citizens' collective. It lobbies the Belgian government and the European institutions to take urgent and radical measures to fight against the causes and consequences of climate change.

Fridays For Future - 20/09

Join the Mobilisation - 20/09 With Fridays For Future, Youth and Rise For Climate, we are organizing the next Fridays for Future global strike in Brussels on September 20 before a UN summit on the future with heads of state in New York. Actions will take place all over the world Here is the provisional program 5:30 p.m. Introduction Fridays For Future, Youth and Rise For Climate 5:35 p.m. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, former vice-president of the IPCC 5:40 p.m. singer Getch 6 p.m. European and Belgian NGOs 6:05 p.m. singer Ucci Why 6:30 p.m. walk around the center led by Brazilian percussionists 7:30 p.m. return to central station Flash mob YFC, Agora Artist Collective of the Inhabitants of the Earth for the universal right to water final collective songs and announcements Everyone together on Friday September 20 at 5:30 p.m. in Brussels-Central for the future of the planet! Facebook Event: GlobalClimateStrike #NowFor Future://www.facebook.com/share/zHBG4BrADdewRASs/ CONCERT AND WALK #NowForFuture On the occasion of the Global Climate Strike day, the organizations Youth for Climate, Rise for Climate, Grootouders voor het Klimaat etc. are taking part. are calling for mobilization to remind leaders of the importance of measures for social and climate justice.

H.O.M.E - 26 May

Join the H.O.M.E adventure! On May 25th & 26th, 2024, discover the H.O.M.E event at the Gare Maritime of Tour & Taxis. Rise For Climate will be present. What is H.O.M.E about? It’s a free adventure that invites everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge or commitment, to address environmental challenges. What’s the purpose of H.O.M.E? To anchor climate action in everyday life and establish a caring and familiar framework that allows everyone to evolve at their own pace. We will offer visitors a journey through the different rooms of their home, our home: H.O.M.E, House Of Mother Earth. What can you expect? Testimonies, animations, shows, artistic performances, playful, physical, and spiritual workshops (…) offering keys to visitors to initiate or accelerate the transition. A variety of interactive experiences for all ages.

March with us 23 June

LEuropean marches for the climate and against austerity Rally on Sunday June 23 at 2 p.m. Brussels central station and march towards the Schuman European district (Place Jean Rey) On June 27 and 28 a new European Council of Heads of State will be held in Brussels . While Europe is warming twice as fast as other continents and heat waves have caused 60,000 deaths there in 2022, . While summer droughts still threaten to dramatically affect southern Europe and farmers. While the UN estimates that we only have 2 years to save the climate and humanity: climate change no longer seems to be a priority for the European Union. The main measures of the Green Deal are being called into question and new austerity plans are voted on https://reporterre.net/Le-Parlement-europeen-vote-le-inverse-a-l-austerite The austerity measures proposed by the European Commission, and recently approved by the European Parliament, threaten. public services (social security, salaries, health, justice, education, culture, etc.) but also compliance with the Paris Agreement on climate change. There will not be enough resources to ensure a just transition. and ecological and make the Green Pact a reality https://www.ouest-france.fr/elections/europeennes/climat-si-lue-choisit-lausterite-largent-va-manquer-pour-la-neutralite-carbone-396d75de-. c1b7-11ee-af40-0572f37cda9b During this summit, let us push Belgium and the most social governments to block these measures. Let us push the 27 to implement a European tax on large fortunes to finance this ecological and social transition. Sign the petition here https://eci.ec.europa.eu/038/public/#/screen/home Objective: raise 1 million in at least 7 European countries to officially challenge the European Commission Let's push the 27 to adopt a Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Fossil Fuels supported by thousands of NGOs and scientists www.fossilfueltreaty.org

Action 21 -> 25 March

A European Council summit of heads of state and government will be held in Brussels on 21 March, and we are organising a rally to stop the climate bombs that will destroy the climate and humanity, and to ask the 27 member states to adopt the Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The rally will take place at 6.30pm near the Schuman roundabout on Archimède Street (NOTE: the Schuman metro will be closed, access via Mérode).
425 climate bombs in the world (coal mines, oil and gas extraction projects) each have the potential to emit more than 1 billion tons of C02 over their lifetime, and together they could emit the equivalent of 1,182 gigatons of CO2, 2 to 3 times the emissions threshold (400 to 500 gigatons) that should not be exceeded to retain any hope of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C (https://www.carbonbombs.org,
NGOs have also denounced the fact that many European companies and banks are involved in more than 100 climate bombs.
Between 2020 and 2022, 20 new climate bombs were put into operation while the IEA, IPCC, NGOs and scientists insist that these new projects must be halted.
This is why we are calling on the 27 to adopt the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (https://fossilfueltreaty.org) supported by thousands of civil society organizations, the European Parliament and the WHO, but so far signed by only 12 countries, mainly island states whose existence is threatened by sea rise.
Songs and dances for the climate are planned with comedian Bruno Coppens and singer Konoba
(Fuel Sentimental
Sing for the Climate)
A flashmob is being organised by Youth for Climate

TOP Climate Bombs: Gathering on 25/03 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. - Rue de la Loi 175 On the occasion of the European Council of Environment Ministers>

22/03 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.: Save water and its refinancing to ensure this common good for the population. Meet in front of Vivaqua headquarters (Central Station)

15/01 : Rally for the climate and the end of fossil fuels at the meeting of European environment ministers at 9:15 am in front of the Palais d'Egmont.

3/12 : Walking for the climate

We are marching for the future: a future that preserves biodiversity, ensures human well-being and dignity, and is based on global solidarity. We march to assert our rights: to life, to a healthy environment, to healthy food produced in a way that does not destroy the planet or human rights, to sustainable energy. We march so that no one is left behind. Climate justice is also economic justice, social justice, gender justice…

More info? Rvs on Fb here


30/11 - meeting COP28 - Espace Buen Vivir from 7.30pm

As you no doubt know, COP28 kicks off next Thursday, November 30, in Dubai.

On the same day, Rise For Climate is organizing a citizens’ debate on the issues at stake at COP28 between 8pm and 10.30pm in Brussels, 8 years after the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

According to the IPCC, the climate catastrophe is worsening, taking us to +3 degrees by 2100. To prevent the earth from becoming unliveable, scientists estimate that we need to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. What has been achieved by the 195 countries that have signed up? What will the European Union negotiate? Will we really get out of fossil fuels? What influence will the oil lobbies have? What will be the response for the populations of the most vulnerable countries? 30-minute introduction by Larry Moffett, an active member of Rise For Climate, a renewable energy engineer and observer of recent COPs. He’ll explain how it works, and then we’ll debate together!

Where ? Espace Buen Vivir Place Fernand Cocq 23, Ixelles ( metro Porte de Namur , bus 71 and 54 ) Welcome from 7.30 pm

FB event here

26/10/2023 :  Brussels Schuman - 18h - Join us for the end subsidies for fossil fuels

 Join us on October 26 at 6pm in Brussels-Schuman at the next European Council summit to call on the 27 heads of state and government to end subsidies for fossil fuels, abandon all new extraction projects, and support the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. The EU must set a good example at COP28!
We also want the 27 to lower train fares across Europe and intervene to free many environmental activists, as in Vietnam.
Program for rally on Thursday October 26 European Summit 
18h at Bruxelles-Schuman 
Facebook event 
With the participation of climatologist Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, former vice-president of the IPCC, the Totalementdown collective, singer Charlotte de Halleux, singer Getch, the Jiboaina association defending the Amazon and indigenous peoples (5 representatives will be with us on Sunday October 29 from 2pm to 5pm) 
European and Belgian NGOs,
Together we’ll be singing Fuel Sentimental, an adaptation of an Alain Souchon song by Bruno Coppens…

EU Council:  It 's time for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty!
29/06/2023 -18.00 - Brussels Schuman

On 23 March, together with Rise For Climate, European NGOs, scientists and youth organisations, we were in front of the European Council of Heads of State in Brussels to push the 27 to adopt a Non-Proliferation Treaty on Fossil Fuels, an international initiative that aims to phase out oil, gas and coal production and promote a just transition
The next summit will take place on 29 and 30 June and we are organising a new rally in Brussels Schuman on Thursday 29 June at 6pm on the eve of a summer that is likely to break all records for heat, drought and human and economic tragedy in Europe and the world.
Following the latest statements by Emmanuel Macron and Alexandre Decroo to take a break on European environmental measures, we will be there to call on the Council to speed up these measures, because the restoration of nature, an ecocide law and the climate are an absolute emergency.
Despite the EU’s carbon neutrality targets for 2030 and 2050, journalists and European NGOs are denouncing the explosion of gas projects across the continent.https://www.investigate-europe.eu/…/gas-lng-fossil…/
UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, who attended the last summit in March
has also been insisting since the beginning of the year that renewable energies are the only credible way to avoid condemning a part of humanity to death.
Support for the Fossil Fuel Treaty initiative is growing and diversifying. More than 2,100 civil society organisations, 3,000 scientists, 101 Nobel laureates, the World Health Organisation and hundreds of health professionals, thousands of religious institutions, a growing number of indigenous organisations and youth climate activists, more than 600 parliamentarians and more than 85 cities worldwide, as well as a bloc of 6 Pacific countries are now calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
We are counting on you to come out in force and convince Europe to support a Non-Proliferation Treaty on Fossil Fuels.
For more information: https://fossilfueltreaty.org
contact :  riseforclimatebelgium@gmail.com
Facebook event -> https://www.facebook.com/events/s/eu-council-speed-up-stop-ecoci/152697387640391/

EU Council:  It 's time for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty!
23/03/2023 -17h45 -> 19h15 - Brussels Schuman

On Thursday 23 March, a new European Summit of Heads of States will take place in Brussels to discuss the war in Ukraine, as well as economic and energy issues.

Rise for Climate Belgium is organising an important rally at Brussels Schuman to call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a big bold proposal for a new international treaty that would manage an equitable phase-out of oil, gas and coal production, responsible of 86% of carbon emissions in the last decade.
The Paris Agreement makes no mention of coal, oil and gas and in recent years the UN climate talks have failed to even mention all fossil fuels, let alone manage a just transition to clean energy. Meanwhile oil and gas companies have made record profits with no regard for the destruction they are causing. 
Because of this the proposal for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty  has gained significant support including endorsements from 1,900 civil society organisations, over 3,000+ scientists and academics, 101 Nobel laureates, the World Health Organisation and hundreds of health professionals, a thousands of religious institutions, a growing number of Indigenous organisations and youth activists, more than 70 cities and 550 Parliamentarians across the world.
Recently the proposal was formally endorsed by two nation-states, Vanuatu and Tuvalu, who have called for the development of a Fossil Fuel Treaty within the UN. The initiative is also supported by the European Parliament, who adopted a resolution calling for the development of a Fossil Fuel Treaty before COP27. 
The EU Summit will take place 3 days after the release of the latest IPCC report is released on March 20th. The IPCC explicitly states that only the most drastic cuts in carbon emissions from now would help prevent an even greater environmental disaster, just like other scientific institutions, from UNEP to the IEA, who have been warning that countries’ oil, coal and gas production plans are incompatible with the 1.5°C limit. 
It is now  imperative that European decision-makers take bold actions to end the expansion of new fossil fuel projects and support a global just transition away from coal, oil and gas. 
As historical contributors to the climate crisis, Global North countries have a responsibility to transition first and fastest, while also supporting fossil fuel dependent economies with less capacity to transition. European nations must commit to providing technical and economic support to those vulnerable nations heavily affected by climate change and least able to phase out oil, gas and coal production.
This global transition will require significant international cooperation and global governance which is why the EU Council and European nation states must support the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. 
Join the rally in Brussels to help scale the call for a Fossil Fuel Treaty in Europe. 
Europe is currently in the midst of an energy crisis which underlines the urgency of ending our dependence on fossil fuels, both for the European continent and for other parts of the world. This war – apart from its devastating impact on the Ukrainian people – has also precipitated an unprecedented energy and cost of living crisis in Europe, and in Africa, countries are paying the price of European dash for gas to compensate for the lack of Russian gas.
Several Member States recognised the need to phase out all fossil fuels at COP 27. Moreover, seven European governments have withdrawn from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which is essentially a fossil fuel protection treaty that runs counter to European climate policies. It is time for European governments to replace the ECT with a climate protection treaty instead.
Would your organisations be available to reinforce this physical mobilisation in Brussels by inviting its members to join it? Having groups on the ground would be a huge help to turn this first European Fossil Fuel Treaty rally into a big event!
For more information, here is the FB event
and a communications pack will be coming soon but. Also, to contact us: 
Rise for Climate: riseforclimatebelgium@gmail.com 

Previous actions in Brussels :
Call for citizen action for biodiversity: Sunday February 12 at 2:30 p.m., Place de l'Albertine (a stone's throw from Brussels Central Station)

Rise for Climate usually acts at the global and European level but this year we will also act at the local level. We will support and co-organize the next action of Tuiniersforumdesjardiniers.be which unites many collectives and neighborhood committees that defend natural spaces and biodiversity in Brussels. Come if possible with a sign, a banner or a banner representing the natural space that you defend, so that the diversity and convergence of our mobilizations become visible, and that we visualize the places of Brussels concerned. Bring a handful of soil from the living soil you are defending, together we will perform a soil ritual, inspired by an ancient tradition. Also invite your supporters, friends, neighbors so that there are many of us, from all municipalities and all the natural areas of Brussels! Through this action, we also want to show our solidarity with the demands of international associations during the COP15 of biodiversity in Montreal because the massive destruction of natural spaces, living things and their commodification clearly threaten humanity.

Previous actions in Brussels

On December : Actions to save the water

Water went public in the United States on 7 December 2020 and droughts exacerbated by climate change and billions of people suffering from water shortages are of interest to speculators around the world. They will be able to take advantage of the explosion in demand and the scarcity of water to raise prices.
At the European level, water is considered as an economic good that should be accessible at an “affordable” price like energy…
The Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth, an international network fighting against water privatisation (co-founded by Riccardo Petrella) and elected representatives are currently fighting to defend the right to water for all and as a global public good.

Actions will take place in Brussels, Paris, Rome and Montreal (during the COP 15 on biodiversity) between 7 and 15 December.
In Brussels, join us from 11am in front of the European Parliament, Place du Luxembourg.
Together citizens, NGOs, artists and European elected representatives, we will be stronger!
If you work, you can come even at 12:00 because from 12:45 we will join Schuman to accompany the statue of Spoliation (creation of Bernard Tirtiaux) and many artists who will express themselves, sing for the right to water (the actor and author Pietro Pizzuti, the harpist Maria Palatine…)
With the support of the North-South Forum, Rise for Climate, CNCD-11.11.11, Pour Press, Attac Brussels 2, Espirito Mundo
The complete file here
The Facebook event https://m.facebook.com/events/512369204158692

From Europe to the deep Amazon, let's defend the peoples, the climate and biodiversity! 4/09 - 16h - Brussels Central station

Demonstration to make governments face up to their responsibilities from the start of the school year on Sunday 4 September 4 p.m. Brussels Central Station.
This summer in Europe as everywhere in the world, heat waves, fires, intense rains and droughts are increasing due to the disruption climate, killing thousands of people, destroying forests, habitats, farming lands, causing water shortages…

In the meantime, the exploitation of fossil fuels and carbon emissions C02 continue to rise, despite warnings from scientists and political promises! This Sunday, September 4, the eve of World Amazon Day, we welcome Brazilian activist Angela Mendes, daughter of militant trade unionist assassinated Chico Mendes and representative of the Alliance of the peoples of the Forest.

Gathering of Rise For Climate in partnership with the Brazilian association Espirito Mundo and Tuiniersforumdesjardiniers.be representing 27 citizen collectives defending natural spaces in Brussels

Event FB : Here

Act for the climate - 17.30 pm - 23/06 - Brussels

The 27 Heads of State and Government will meet for the European Council. Let’s take advantage of their presence to send them this message:

Get out of fossil fuels and accelerate the transition to renewable energies accessible to all
Helping the victims of climate change
The meeting is at the Rond-Point Schuman at 5.30 pm!

Come and join us!
Meeting point : Rond-Point Schuman at 5.30pm – 23 June
FB Event : Here

Bye Bye, ECT - Rex. Action 17 May - 11h - 12h30 - Brussels

The giant dinosaur “ECT-Rex” will invade Brussels on 17 May, before the conference on the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) in June which will decide its future.

ECT-Rex will face determined climate activists demanding that EU countries withdraw from this ‘prehistoric’ treaty which allows fossil fuel companies to sue governments that take measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

Join us to witness this decisive confrontation for Europe’s energy transition!

Where ? Schuman place – 11h – 17 May
Event FB : Here

Week of action for the recognition of ecocide. From March 20 to 25, 2022.


Let's mobilize for the recognition of the ecocide!

Massive deforestation, overfishing, various types of soil and water pollution, deep-sea mining, hydraulic fracturing, radioactive contamination… We all have these images of destruction in mind.
These ecocides, committed repeatedly for decades, have created the climatic and ecological emergency we are facing today.

However, to this day, this destruction is still not illegal!
Those responsible for ecocide are only fined civilly. However, if ecocide were recognized as a crime in our legal systems (international, European and national law), it would be an additional tool to help stop the destruction of nature, and to deter and punish decision makers.

How ?

By sanctioning and dissuading those responsible. This would also encourage companies and governments to adopt a more respectful way of operating for nature and humanity.

It is time to change the national, European and international rules and protect our Earth!
We cannot rely on non-binding governmental agreements such as the COP. As the European Union prepares to revise its environmental criminal law, we, as citizens, must continue to push to force the European institutions to recognize ecocide and protect living things.


Join us for our march 20/03 at 12h30 - Luxembourg place in Brussels

We call you to a big mobilization for the climate, the living, the forests, the soils, the water, and against ecocides, on Sunday March 20th, in Brussels, everywhere in Europe and in the world.

This action will also be held in the context of a week of actions for the right to water on March 22 and the global climate strike of Fridays for Future on March 25.

Sign up on our Facebook page HERE –  Sign the petition – Talk about it 

0032 499.43.93.50

You can also visit the website dedicated to End Ecocide Belgium


20/03/22 - March for recognition of ecocide


The objective of the March 2022 mobilization against ecocide is to keep the pressure on EU leaders and institutions to recognize the crime of ecocide.

When ? Where ? 12h30 – Luxembourg place –  Brussels

Event Here

22/03/22 - Action for the right to water

12h30 -> 14h00
Action before Bourse place  in Brussels

Event Here

24/03/22 - The EU must recognize ecocide now

Symbolic action before the Council of the EU.

Event Here

25/03/22 - Not for profit

This global strike will focus on #PeopleNotProfit. The climate struggle is a class struggle. For years, the ruling class, (especially Northern corporations and governments) have wielded power to destroy the earth and its occupants without remorse.

They have deliberately sacrificed the ecosystems and peoples of the South in the name of their so-called “development” and eternal “economic growth”.
We refuse to be part of this system and we strike again, in all countries of the world.

Practical details will be announced soon!

Event Here


