Rise for Climate Belgium is a citizen’s collective engaged in the fight against climate change threatening the planet and humanity, and for the preservation of biodiversity. Our collective is non-partisan, independent and peaceful.
Born in September 2018 to denounce the inertia of Belgian and European policies in the face of the climate emergency, the Rise for Climate Belgium collective has organized marches and citizen rallies to challenge governments and alert public opinion.
Our main modes of action are :
citizen mobilizations,
the questioning of Belgian and European political decision-makers on climate, environment, sustainable development..,
and awareness-raising actions for the general public.
The members of Rise for Climate Belgium, engaged in a constructive awareness raising approach, aspire, through their mobilization and by an exemplary effort in their daily life, to change mentalities and to reinvent together the foundations of a resilient and eco-responsible society.
Non-partisan : We are a citizen’s collective open to individuals from all walks of life who wish to join us in this fight, but we firmly reject any attempt to use our movement for political or commercial purposes.
Independent and self-managed: While keeping our independence, we collaborate with local and regional authorities, as well as with other associations and organizations involved in the fight against climate change and the safeguarding of biodiversity. Decision-making within Rise for Climate Belgium is done by a committee of effective members of the collective. The activities of citizen advocacy, development of campaigns and mobilizations are managed by working groups.
Pacific: Rise for Climate Belgium refuses any affiliation with groups that advocate or practice violence as a means of action. Our choice is not to participate in civil disobedience actions, but we tolerate and can on a case by case basis support those of other movements, only if peaceful and without damage. The collective’s policy is to organize its mobilizations in consultation with the competent authorities.
Non-profit purpose: The collective is composed of volunteers. Our object is non-profit and our accounting is managed in full transparency by the Asbl Open Collective Brussels.